Kimberly S. Busby Photography is a photography business based in Evans, Georgia. Take a look around at our latest work and make sure you go to our website to view the calendar, pricing, and contact information.

Baby Alyse is here!- Evans, Georgia newborn photographer


I'm so excited to be able to share baby Alyse's newborn photos with everyone!  She was born at the beginning of May, but it has been a crazy month of trying to get together to do a session!  We were finally able to get together this past week and let me just say this is one pretty little girl.  She did so good for us and was wide awake for most of the session!  If you go back a couple of posts you will see her gorgeous mother's maternity photos that we did!  I know this baby girl is loved by many and I can't wait to watch her grow up!    Thanks to Laura Anne of True 2 Life Photography by Laura Anne for helping me with this shoot!


She did a little sleeping and was just so peaceful and beautiful!


Who doesn't love babies feet??   So tiny!


Momma and baby Alyse.  I know her daddy and Stephanie's husband is just in love with these two girls!


Love newborn baby wrinkles!  


She woke up for the end of our session and was making the cutest faces.

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