Kimberly S. Busby Photography is a photography business based in Evans, Georgia. Take a look around at our latest work and make sure you go to our website to view the calendar, pricing, and contact information.

Katie's Fall Pictures- Thomson, Georgia Children's Photographer


This past weekend, I had the chance to photograph Josh and Lindsey’s little girl. Lindsey is my husband’s cousin (and now mine too through marriage). Katie has grown so fast and it seems like yesterday I was sitting at the hospital waiting to meet her! Lindsey brought Katie over to her mom’s house and me and my assistant (the wonderful Amanda) headed on out to Thomson and we had a great time! Katie was really shy at first, but then she warmed up really quick and was such fun to be around! Amanda and her hit it off instantly and became fast friends, which was really good because Katie didn’t mind too much when Amanda had to use a big ol’ reflector all up in her face! We started out in the woods by the pine trees and worked our way around to the pond and took so many pictures! Here are just a few for the sneak peek and I will post when the rest are available to view!! Hope you enjoy! And a special thank you to Sheila, Lindsey, and Amanda….ya’ll were great assistants and to thank you, I’m getting all of ya’ll a he-hoe (scarecrow)

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Katie came up with some poses all on her own!  You really can't get a 2 1/2 yr old to pose...unless it's their idea!


Love love love this one!

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