Kimberly S. Busby Photography is a photography business based in Evans, Georgia. Take a look around at our latest work and make sure you go to our website to view the calendar, pricing, and contact information.

It's finally up!

Hey everyone,

The website is finally up and running... please take a moment to go look at it and let me know what you think!!   If you are interested in a photography session, just fill out the contact information on the website and I will get in contact with you asap!

Thank you for bearing with me while I fixed everything!

Hope you enjoy!


Hey to my 2 readers!

I just wanted to let you know and anyone else that might be reading this, that I've had some trouble with my new website and as soon as everything gets ironed out and all the kinks are out I will let everyone know.  I just want to make sure its great when I show it to people!

thanks for understanding!

New Website

Hey everyone.... my new photography website will be ready Monday check back here tomorrow night or tonight...depends on when your reading this....for the website!!!!

I'm very excited and hope you enjoy the new website.

The Evans High School Prom 2010 pictures will be up also and ready for viewing Monday night!

Pictures-Thomson Georgia Photographer

I have done 2 family sessions in North Augusta, South Carolina, an engagement, and 2 bridal sessionsin Thomson, Georgia  in the last few days, but until I get permission to show some of those pictures on my blog.... you will just have to enjoy these that I took this past week!

Hope you enjoy and email me for photography session information!

New Name, New Website, New Blog

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to the very first Kimberly S. Busby Photography blog. I started my photography and event planning business as "Augusta Events By Kimberly". I have now decided to only do photography and with that decision comes a new name and a new website. My old website is still available and will be until June 2010 for you to view my portfolio and pictures. As soon as my new website is live, I will post it here and this blog will become an actual blog for my business and not just an information center. I am very excited about this new direction with my business and can't wait to start taking more pictures.